Volunteers have been making valuable contributions to our work
Regardless of the specific work you might be doing in our school or children's centre it is the most important that you must love children and enjoy interacting with them. We are also looking for volunteers who are independent, self-motivated, and resourceful.

"No one has ever become poor by giving"
Anne Frank

We work with international volunteers
It is essential that you speak fluent English or French. Everyone here loves learning languages so you would have plenty to give teaching a language. Apart from teaching we also organize different games, arts and crafts and sport classes.
Our volunteers work in schools, children centres and canteens
Volunteers run different activities for children and teachers. There are many areas in which volunteers can assist, some of which vary depending upon our needs at the time. We welcome any educational skills our volunteers can offer, so if you possess a particular skill or a talent you believe would be worth sharing with our children, please let us know.
Also if you have a particular exciting, innovative idea you wish to share, feel free to do so as well. We would love to hear from you about your ideas for volnteering with our children.

Life of a volunteer in Madagascar
Our volunteers pay their flight to Madagascar and an accommodation fee upon arrival. We have a fully equipped volunteer house with wifi. Volunteers are offred to eat simple Malagasy style lunch at the school's canteen. They work Monday to Friday upto 20 hours a week. Often they travel during weekends on a short trips.
If volunteering with ANKIZY GASY sounds like an opportunity in which you are interested, that is wonderful! Our children wait for you!