I was a volunteer 2 months
8 stycznia, 2021Ankizy Gasy means Children of Madagascar
8 stycznia, 2021By coming to Madagascar to volunteer to combine three in one: experience a different culture, gain new knowledge and do something useful for the local population.
Volunteering at Ankizy Gasy provided that opportunity. I stayed in Madagascar for one month working at a local Dispensaire. While working there, I got to know local people, learnt a lot about the specifics of health care in Madagascar, as well as got a chance to practice my own skills in a different setting. Thanks to all of that, I also learnt a lot about myself. During my stay in Madagascar and in the volunteer’s house, I met many great people and enjoyed my time. Moreover, I had a chance to travel to a few places on the island, some of which present the most beautiful landscapes I have seen so far (Ille aux Nattes, beautiful beaches!). Overall, it was a great learning experiencing as well as a great adventure, combined with the chance to use your skills to help others. I recommend it to everyone.
By coming to Madagascar to volunteer
Patrycja November 2014